Past Simple
De Past Simple is de Onvoltooid Verleden Tijd
1 De Past Simple wordt gebruikt bij situaties of acties die nu niet meer bestaan of kloppen.
I worked in the City.
My girlfriend lived in Essex.
His car was red.
My girlfriend lived in Essex.
His car was red.
2 De Past Simple gebruik je ook als er een tijdsbepaling in de zin staat die een vastomlijnde periode in het verleden aangeeft.
Yesterday I bought a new pair of jeans.
He kissed her last night.
He kissed her last night.
3 De Past Simple kan in sommige gevallen gebruikt worden om naar het heden of zelfs de toekomst te verwijzen. Dat gebeurt:
- na if, as if, as though en suppose:
If only I had more time.
You look as if you went mad.
It's as though she saw a ghost.
Suppose we went to London?
You look as if you went mad.
It's as though she saw a ghost.
Suppose we went to London?
- na it's time, would rather en wish:
It's time you went home.
I would rather you came now.
I wish I had a better car.
I would rather you came now.
I wish I had a better car.
- bij sommige uitdrukkingen waar het gebruik van de verleden tijd de boel net wat vriendelijker maakt:
I wondered if you were free this evening.
I thought you might like this.
I thought you might like this.
- ook could, should en would verwijzen vaak naar heden of toekomst. Ook dit klinkt dan net even wat vriendelijker:
Could you help me tomorrow?
Alice should be here soon.
Would you come this way, please?
Alice should be here soon.
Would you come this way, please?