Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.
Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.
double whammy
twee problemen tegelijk
a double whammy is when something causes two problems at the same time
double-edged sword
tweezijdig zwaard
using an argument that could both help and harm
doubting Thomas
ongelovige thomas
someone who only believes what they see themselves, not what they are told
down and out
aan de grond zitten
if someone is down and out, they are desperately poor and need help
down at heel
someone who is down at heel is short of money
down for the count
de strijd verloren hebben
if someone is down for the count, they have lost a struggle
down in the doldrums
depressief en futloos zijn
if somebody is down in the doldrums, they are depressed and lacking energy
down in the dumps
depressief zijn
if someone is down in the dumps, they are depressed
down the drain
if something goes down the drain, it is wasted or produces no results
down the hatch
this idiom can be said before drinking alcohol in company
down the pan
if something has gone down the pan, it has failed or been ruined
down the tubes
if something has gone down the tubes, it has failed or been ruined
recht door zee
someone who's down-to-earth is practical and realistic
drag your feet
de kantjes ervan aflopen
take too long to do or finish something, because you don't want to do it
drag your heels
de kantjes ervan aflopen
take too long to do or finish something, because you don't want to do it
draw a line in the sand
een streep trekken
establish a limit beyond which things will be unacceptable
draw the line
een grens trekken
set out limits of what you find acceptable, beyond which you will not go
draw the shortest straw
if someone draws the shortest straw, they lose
drawing to a close
het einde nadert
when something is almost finished
dress someone down
Iemand uitkafferen
if you dress someone down, you scold them
dress to kill
er picobello uitzien
when someone is dressed to kill, they are dressed very smartly
dressing down
een standje krijgen
when someone is not at all happy with what you have done and tells you so
drive a wedge
een wig drijven
if you drive a wedge between people, you make them disagree
drive away
he used repellent to drive away the mosquitoes
drive back
the police drove the crowd back to give the fire brigade more space
drive by
vanuit een auto
the chicago mob was famous for its drive by shootings
drive off
she slammed the car door shut and drove off right away
drive out
the storm drove the tourist out of their tents
drive someone up the wall
iemand gek maken
if something or someone drives you up the wall, they irritate you greatly
drive up
the high oil price drove up the price of petrol