Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.
Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.
go spare
je geduld verliezen
if you go spare, you lose your temper completely
go tell it to birds
vertel dat aan je grootje
this is used when someone says something that is not credible or is a lie
go the distance
doorgaan tot het gaatje
if you go the distance, you continue until something ends, no matter how difficult
go the extra mile
meer dan je best doen
to make more effort than is expected of you
go the whole hog
tot aan het gaatje gaan
if you go the whole hog, you do something completely or to its limits
go through
you wouldn't believe what I went through when I was ill!
go through the motions
iets achteloos ondergaan
when you go through the motions, you do something like an everyday routine
go through with
he did promise, but I doubt that he'll go though with it
go to great lengths
je uiterste best doen
to try very hard to achieve a result
go to hell in a handcart
naar de verdoemenis gaan
when it gets worse and worse, with no hope of stopping the decline
go to pieces
in elkaar storten
have an mental collapse
go to your head
naar je hoofd stijgen
if something goes to your head, it makes you feel vain, if alcohol goes to your head, it makes you feel drunk quickly
go under the hammer
onder de hamer gaan
if something goes under the hammer, it is sold in an auction
go up a blind alley
een doodlopende weg bewandelen
If you follow an ineffective course of action which leads nowhere or produces no results
go up to
op af gaan
she went up to him and asked him if he wanted a drink
go west
naar de filistijnen
if something goes west, it goes wrong if someone goes west, they die
go with
doen zonder
does this tie go with my shirt?
go with
passen bij
I had to go without lunch today because I didn't have any time
go with the flow
met de wind meewaaien
if you go with the flow, you accept things as they happen and do what everyone else wants to do
going overboard
if you go overboard with something, then you take something too far
golden handshake
gouden handdruk
a golden handshake is a payment made to someone to get them to leave their job
golden rule
gouden regel
the golden rule is the most essential or fundamental rule
gone to pot
naar z'n grootje
if something has gone to pot, it has gone wrong and doesn't work any more
gone to the dogs
naar de filistijnen
if something has gone to the dogs, it has gone badly wrong
good antennae
goede voelsprieten
someone with good antennae is good at noticing things
good as gold
je netjes gedragen
if children are as good as gold, they behave very well
good egg
een betrouwbaar persoon
a reliable, generous person
good fences make good neighbours
met je eigen zaken bemoeien
mind your own business and respect the privacy of others
good hand
goede hulp
if you are a good hand at something, you do it well
good samaritan
goede samaritaan
a good samaritan is a person who helps others in need