Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.
Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.
good shape
goede conditie
if something is in good shape, it's in good condition if a person is in good shape, they are fit and healthy
good to go
het is akkoord
someone or something that meets your approval is good to go
goody two-shoes
Iemand met een hoge eigendunk
a goody two-shoes is a self-righteous person who makes a great deal of their virtue
grab the bulls by its horns
de koe bij de horens vatten
if you grab (take) the bull by its horns, you deal directly with a problem
grain of salt
korreltje zout
when you take something with a grain of salt, you don't believe it all
grass roots
grass roots
the ordinary people or voters
gravy train
op rozen zitten
someone who is on the gravy train, has found an easy way to make lots of money
grease someone's palm
iemand wat toestoppen
if you grease someone's palm, you bribe them to do something
greased lightning
witte tornado
if something moves like greased lightning, it moves very fast
green around the gills
pips zien
if someone looks green around the gills, they look ill
green fingers
groene vingers
someone with green fingers has a talent for gardening
green light
groene licht
if you are given the green light, you are given approval to do something
green with envy
groen van jaloezie
if you are green with envy, you are very jealous
grey area
a grey area is one where there is no clear right or wrong
grey matter
grijze cellen
grey matter is the human brain
grey suits
grijze muizen
people who have a lot of power in business or politics, but aren't well-known or charismatic
grime artist
iemand die grime-muziek maakt
grime is a London urban music style
grin and bear it
accepteer het nou maar
you have to accept something that you don't like
if you are a guinea-pig, you take part in an experiment
gung ho
blinde volgzaamheid
if someone is gung ho about something, they support it blindly
hair of the dog
een hersteldrankje
if someone has a hair of the dog, they have an alcoholic drink to get rid of a hangover
hairy at the heel
achter de ellebogen hebben
someone who is hairy at the heel is dangerous or untrustworthy
hale and hearty
Blaken van gezondheid
someone who is hale and hearty is in very good health
half a mind
er ernstig aan denken
if you have half a mind to do something, you haven't decided to do it, but are thinking seriously about it
a half-baked idea or scheme hasn't not been thought through or planned very well
hammer and tongs
vol overgave
if people are going at it hammer and tongs, they are arguing fiercely
hand back
the police officer checked my licence, then handed it back
hand down
the jewellery has been handed down in my family for generations
hand in
I handed in my homework late as usual
hand in glove
dik bevriend
if people are hand in glove, they have an extremely close relationship