Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.
Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.
met modder gooien
insulting someone and trying to damage that person's reputation
muddy the waters
de zaak vertroebelen
if somebody muddies the waters, they make the situation more complex
mum's the word
niets zeggen
you should keep quiet about something and not tell other people
mummy's boy
moeders jochie
a man who is still very dependent on his mother is a mummy's boy
murder will out
alles komt uit
bad deeds can't be kept secret forever
murk someone
iemand half dood slaan
beat someone up severely
my bad
mijn fout
my bad is an American way of saying that you are wrong
my better half
mijn echtgeno(o)t(e)
your better half is your husband or wife
my hands are full
ik heb maar twee handen
if your hands are full, you cannot take on any more work
my hands are tied
mijn handen zijn gebonden
if your hands are tied, you are unable to act for some reason
my heart bleeds
mijn hart bloedt
if your heart bleeds for someone, you feel genuine sympathy and sadness for them
my heart goes out to someone
ik heb medelijden met
if your heart goes out to someone, you feel genuine sympathy for them
my thoughts go out to you
ik zal aan je denken
when you support someone in thoughs but not in deeds
my way or the highway
doen zoals ik zeg
if people don't do what you say, they will have to leave or quit
nail down
binnen halen
I can't nail down what's wrong, but i'm sure it won't work
nail down
de vinger leggen op
they are having trouble nailing down the contract
nail in the coffin
nagel aan de doodskist
a problem or event that is a clear step towards an inevitable failure
neck a drink
naar binnen gooien
drink very quickly
neck and neck
nek aan nek
when no one is clearly winning
need no introduction
iedereen kent hem /haar
someone who is very famous and known to everyone needs no introduction
needle in a haystack
naald in een hooiberg
when it is very difficult to find something among everything around it
neither fish nor fowl
vlees noch vis
something that doesn't really fit into any one group
neither here nor there
doet er niet toe
if something is neither here nor there, it is of very little importance
nerves of steel
stalen zenuwen
if someone has nerves of steel, they don't get frightened
nest egg
appeltje voor de dorst
if you have some money saved for the future, it is a nest egg
never a rose without the prick
geen roos zonder doornen
good things always have something bad as well
new blood
nieuw bloed
if something needs new blood, it needs new ideas or people to invigorate it
new brush sweeps clean
nieuwe bezems vegen schoon
someone with a new perspective can make great changes
new kid on the block
een groentje
someone who has recently joined a team and doesn't know how things work yet
night owl
a night owl is someone who goes to bed very late