engelse grammatica veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen

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Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.

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bite your tongue

op je tong bijten

if you bite your tongue, you refrain from speaking

bits and bobs

ditjes en datjes

she was talking about bits an bobs

bitten by the bug

aangestoken worden door iets

If you develop a sudden interest or enthusiasm for something

bitter end

het bittere einde

finish something no matter how unsuccessful you are

bitter pill to swallow

een bittere pil

when he got fired is was a bitter pill for him to swallow

black and white

zwart wit

when it is very clear who or what is right and wrong, then the situation is black and white

black hole

zwart gat

if there is a black hole in financial accounts, money has disappeared

black market

zwarte markt

the illegal buying and selling of goods


iemand toegang / lidmaatschap ontzeggen

if you vote against allowing someone to be a member of a group, you are blackballing them



when people try to determine who is to blame for a mistake or failure

blank cheque

blanco cheque

if you are given a blank cheque, you are allowed to use as much money as you need

blank look

een verdwaasde blik

eyes show that a person does not understand, the lights are on but

bleeding heart

een goed hart

a bleeding heart is a person who is excessively sympathetic towards other people

blessing in disguise

een geluk bij een ongeluk

a problem that becomes a benefit or advantage

blind leading the blind

de blinde leidt de lamme

when the blind are leading the blind, the people in charge don't know anything more than the others

blind someone with science

iemand van zijn stuk brengen met ingewikkelde praat

confuse someone by using difficult or technical words

blood and thunder

met vuur en verve

an emotional speech or performance is full of blood and thunder

blood is thicker than water

het hemd is nader dan de rok

he helped his own kid first yes well, blood is thicker than water isn't it

blood out of a stone

heel moeilijk

if something is like getting blood out of a stone, it is very difficult indeed

blood, sweat and tears

bloed, zweet en tranen

if something will take blood, sweat and tears, it will be very difficult

bloody heck / hell


bloody hell! what do you think you're doing

bloody Norah


an exlamation of surprise

blow a gasket

heel kwaad worden

if you blow a gasket, you get very angry

blow by blow

zeer gedetailleerd

a blow-by-blow description gives every detail in sequence

blow hot and cold

wispelturig zijn

if you blow hot and cold on an idea, then one minute you are for it, the next you are against

Blow job


giving oral sex to a man, fellatio

blow me down

schiet mij maar lek

people say '(well,) blow me down' when you tell them something surprising or shocking

blow off steam

stoom afblazen

after a day at work he really needs to blow off steam at the gym

blow out of the water

lek geschoten

if something is blown out of the water, it is destroyed completely

blow smoke

hete lucht

if people blow smoke, they say things that are not true to make them look better