Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.
Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.
set up
they set up a dot com company and made a fortune
set your sights on
je zinnen zetten op
have an ambition to achieve a goal
settle down
je settelen
after years of partying and drinking, she finally settled down
settle for
genoegen nemen met
we didn't win and had to settle for the second prize
settle in
it took him a while to settle in when he moved to japan
settle up
een schuld aflossen
let's settle up for the dinner the other night
seventh heaven
zevende hemel
if you are in seventh heaven, you are extremely happy
shake down
grondig doorzoeken
the police shook the house down looking for drugs
shake off
the thieves managed to shake off the police
shake off
ergens van af komen
it took me ages to shake off the cough
shit hits the fan
stront aan de knikker
when the shit hits the fan, serious trouble starts
shitting dick nipples
vreselijk goor
when you see something totally disgusting
shoosh, be quiet!
shoot your wad
je kruit verschieten
when you have shot your wad, you have nothing more to say or do about a matter
shoot yourself in the foot
jezelf in de voet schieten
do something that damages your plans
shop floor
shop floor' is where the work is actually performed rather than just managed
genept worden
if you are short-changed, someone cheats you of money or doesn't give you full value
shot in the dark
ergens een slag naar slaan
try something where you have little hope of success
shotgun marriage
een moetje
a shotgun marriage, or shotgun wedding, is one that is forced because of pregnancy
shout it from the rooftops
van de daken schreeuwen
make something as widely known and as public as possible
shout out
when you shout out to someone, you thank them
show derring-do
grote moed tonen
if a person shows derring-do, they show great courage
show someone the ropes
de kneepjes van het vak leren
explain to someone new how things work and how to do a job
show your true colours
je ware gezicht laten zien
to show your true colours is to reveal yourself as you really are
shrinking violet
a shy person who doesn't express their views and opinions
shut away
she's shut herself away to revise for her exams
shut away
many people have been shut away in psychiatric hospitals
shut down
voorgoed stoppen
the shop shut down when the out-of-town supermarket opened
shut down
you should close all programs before you shut a computer down
shut in
I shut myself in the other day, when the door fell shut