engelse grammatica veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen

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Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.

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brass neck


someone who has the brass neck to do something has no sense of shame about what they do

bread and butter

dagelijkse beslommeringen

bread and butter issues are ones that affect people directly and in a very important way



used to describe the person that earns the most money

break a leg

toi toi toi

break a leg is what actors say when they wish each other good luck

break even

break even

if you break even, you don't make any money, but you don't lose any either

break new ground

nieuwe paden betreden

with this research the company is definitely breaking new ground

break the ice

het ijs breken

what line do you normally use to break the ice?

break your duck

iets voor de eerste keer doen

if you break your duck, you do something for the first time

break your heart

gebroken hart

if someone upsets you greatly, they break your heart, especially if they end a relationship

breathe down your neck

in je nek hijgen

stop breathing down my neck, will you

breathe life into

nieuw leven blazen in

if you breathe life into something, you give people more energy and enthusiasm again

breathe your last

je laatste adem uitblazen

when you breathe your last, you die

bridge the gap

de kloof overbruggen

if you bridge the gap, you make a connection where there is a great difference

bridge too far

een brug te ver

a target which is too ambitious

bright and breezy

opgewekt zijn

when someone is cheerful and full of energy, they are bright and breezy

bright as a button


a person who is as bright as a button is very intelligent or smart

brighten up the day

maakt je dag goed

if something brightens up your day, you feel positive and happy all day long

bring a knife to a gunfight

slecht voorbereid zijn

if someone brings a knife to a gunfight, they are very badly prepared for something

bring home the bacon

zorgen voor brood op de plank

a person who brings home the bacon earns the money that a family live on

bring on board

mensen binnenhalen

to make people agree to join a team or project is to bring them on board

bring someone to book

iemand ter verantwoording roepen

if somebody is brought to book, they are punished

bring someone to heel

laten gehoorzamen

if you bring someone to heel, you make them obey you

bring the house down

iets dat erg geroemd wordt

something that brings the house down is acclaimed and praised vigorously

bring to the table

ter berde brengen

if you bring something to the table, you make a contribution in a discussion

broad church

open staan voor

if an organisation is described as broad church, it is tolerant and accepting of different opinions and ideas

broad strokes

de hoofdlijnen

only an outline is given, without fine details

broaden your horizon

je blik verruimen

to increase what you know, or are able to do

brown nose

een wit voetje halen

when someone tries to make themselves popular with somebody, they are brown nosing

brush under the carpet

onder het tapijt vegen

make it look as if it never happened

bugger off


oh, bugger off will you!