engelse grammatica veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen

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Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.

Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.

zoek een uitdrukking:


take the chair

voorzitter worden

if you take the chair, your become the chairman or chairwoman

take the fall

de schuld op je nemen

if you tall the fall, you accept the blame and punishment for another's wrongdoing

take the flak

onder vuur liggen

if you take the flak, you are strongly criticised for something

take the floor

het woord nemen

start talking or giving a speech to a group

take the heat

de schuld op je nemen

take the criticism or blame for something you didn't do

take the plunge

het er op wagen

if you take the plunge, you do something even though you know it's risky

take to

iets gaan doen

he's taken to wearing a baseball cap since his hair started thinning

take to your heels

de benen nemen

if you take to your heels, you run away

take up

iets gaan doen

he took up squash as he felt he had to lose some weight

take up

opgaan aan

an awful lot of my time is taken up with pointless bureaucracy

take up the torch

de fakkel overnemen

take on a challenge or responsibility when someone else retires, or leaves

take your breath away


if something takes your breath away, it astonishes or surprises you

take your eye off the ball

concentratie verliezen

not concentrating on something important

talk back

grote mond geven

the teacher was cross because the pupil talked back to her

talk down


the general manager talked down the recent fall in shares

talk down

neerbuigend praten

that teacher talks down to her students instead of teaching them

talk into


she didn't want to do it, but I managed to talk her into it

talk is cheap

praatjes vullen geen gaatjes

it's easy to talk about something but harder to actually do it

talk nineteen to the dozen

snel praten

if someone talks very quickly, they talk nineteen to the dozen

talk of the town

gesprek van de dag

when everybody is talking about particular people and events

talk out

iets uit iemands hoofd praten

he wanted to drive home, but his friends talked him out of it

talk out of the back of your head

uit je nek kletsen

if someone is talking out of the back of their head, they are talking rubbish

talk over


we talked over our problems, but we couldn't sort things out

talk shop

over werk praten

if you talk shop, you talk about work matters

talk the hind legs off a donkey

de oren van je kop kletsen

a person who is excessively or extremely talkative can talk the hind legs off a donkey

talk through


the teacher talked me through the test so I knew what to expect

talking to a brick wall

tegen een muur praten

if you talk to someone and they do not listen to you, it is like talking to a brick wall

tall drink of water

een bonenstaak

someone who is very tall and slender is a tall drink of water

tall order

moeilijke klus

something that is likely to be hard to achieve or fulfil is a tall order

tall story


a tall story is one that is untrue and unbelievable