engelse grammatica veelgebruikte uitdrukkingen

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Op deze pagina kun je ruim 3000 Engelse uitdrukkingen, spreekwoorden en gezegden opzoeken, met een verklaring in het Nederlands. Het zijn de uitdrukkingen die worden gebruikt door Engelse en Amerikaanse jongeren. Zoekopdrachten die geen resultaat opleveren worden opgeslagen, zodat we ons bestand kunnen aanvullen.

Pas overigens op met het gebruik van spreekwoorden. Het is goed om ze te kennen, maar als je ze te veel gebruikt klink je net als je oma. Ook trendy uitdrukkingen kunnen link zijn: wat vandaag ziek is, is morgen sneu.

zoek een uitdrukking:


tar with the same brush

van hetzelfde laken een pak

when you tar somebody with the same brush you think they are just as bad as someone else

taste blood

bloed ruiken

if someone has tasted blood, they think that victory is within their grasp

taste of your own medicine

koekje van eigen deeg

do something bad to someone that they have done to you to teach them a lesson

teacher's pet

lievelingetje van de klas

the teacher's favourite pupil is the teacher's pet

tear apart


people were torn apart when news of the crash came through

tear down


the estate was torn down and the land developed into luxury flats

tear off


she tore the slip off the form and sent it with her cheque

tear up


he tore the fax up and threw the bits of paper in the bin

tear your hair out

de haren uit je hoofd trekken

to be extremely worried or agitated about something


heel klein

if something is teeny-weeny, it is very small indeed

teething problems


the problems that a project has when it is starting are the teething problems

tell apart

verschil zien

they're identical twins so I cannot tell them apart

tell off

een uitbrander geven

his fiancée told him off for arriving an hour late

tell on


the pupil told on the others for cheating

tempest in a teapot

storm in een glas water

if people exaggerate the seriousness of a situation or problem

ten a penny

dertien in een dozijn

if something is ten a penny, it is very common (two a penny is also used)

test the waters

iets uitproberen

if you test the water, you experiment to see how successful or acceptable something is

that is the way the cookie crumbles

zo gaan die dingen

things don't always turn out the way we want

that is unheard of

dat is ongehoord

something that is highly offensive or outrageous

that makes two of us

ik ook

this indicates agreement with what another speaker just said

that really takes the biscuit

dat slaat alles

something very irritating or annoying

that rustles my jimmies

je onaangenaam of ongemakkelijk voelen

if what someone says makes you feel uncomfortable or aggitated

that ship has sailed

dat station is gepasseerd

a particular opportunity has passed you by when that ship has sailed

that's all very nice

dat is allemaal leuk en aardig

that may be the case, but you still don't agree

that's quite enough

zo kan ie wel weer

a mild way of telling someone to stop

that's tuff

dat is lauw, cool, gaaf

something really good, brilliant, awesome

the apple does not fall far from the tree

de appel valt niet ver van de boom

offspring grow up to be like their parents

the ball's in your court

de bal ligt bij jou

it's up to you to decide or take the next step

the bee's knees

het neusje van de zalm

if something is outstanding or the best in its class

the best of both worlds

het beste van twee werelden

working in london and living in the country is like the best of both worlds